Our Story

The Hummingbird School

Kulamua village is a small village in Majuli, with a total of 100 households. It is located in the river Brahmaputra along the banks of the river Kherkutia Xuti The village was isolated from the outside world and lacked basic facilities which include educational spaces, markets, good roads, shops, etc. The residents of Kulamua wanted to transform their living situation, and they believed education was the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Mobilizing the support of the community members of 19 villages of Majuli, they worked with our founder Bipin Dhane to open a school. The community donated land, resources such as bamboo, and their time to build the school which would eventually be named The Hummingbird School

In January 2017, The Hummingbird School was opened with 70 children. A small hostel was opened for 23 children who are orphaned or from the most destitute backgrounds to ensure that no child was denied an opportunity to receive a quality education. Since then our school has grown with 250 children studying in our school and 90 children staying in our hostels.

The Hummingbird School is envisioned to be a model school for providing high-quality, relevant, and contextual education for children from adverse situations in Northeast India. While in traditional schools, the focus of education is on rote memorization and exam preparation, at the Hummingbird School, the pedagogy and learning focus on developing in children scientific temper, humanism, and the spirit of inquiry and reform as laid out as a fundamental duty in the constitution of our country.